Landscape Summer School

Hebden Bridge

Hebden Bridge


Do you fancy a weekend in the gorgeous surroundings of Hebden Bridge, with an intensive two days of landscape painting and drawing workshops?

Northlight Studios are running their first Summer School starting Friday 31st July in the evening.  Mary and Perri who are the two tutors are great at sharing creative new approaches to painting and drawing, and are also very good with beginners (I know – Mary taught me for a while!)

You will also get an opportunity to look around the studios and meet some of the other artists on the Friday evening.   Maybe see you there!

3 thoughts on “Landscape Summer School

  1. This is such a lovely scene, I saw it last time I was here and thought then how much I’d like to stand there and paint…is there a way you can send this scene to me(in real life, so I can stand beside it..)

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