Conjoined twins

I’m currently looking at a project that I’m calling ‘Conjoined’, and I stumbled across this video of two living conjoined twins.  I found it emotional, and full of questions about identity (for them, it’s not about ‘one person or two’ – they say just see us as we are).  It also raises questions about cognition, and seems relevant to what I’m thinking about right now – even though I don’t know exactly how yet.

Childhood collage

I very much enjoy looking at collage, so I’ve attempted one in my large sketchbook (A3 size).  I’ve got no idea what I’m doing, but it’s fun to play! 

Childhood collage

(P.S. If you haven’t already found it, this might be a good opportunity to play with the colour changer on this blog.  See those tiny coloured squares on the top right corner?  Try clicking on one.)