Bathtime baby painting
Oil on canvas, 2′ x 2’6″
It’s quiet around here, as I am busily preparing for a number of shows – of which more later. I recently commented on Ronell’s website about the difficulty of weighing up how much you fiddle with or ‘fix’ a painting, and how much you leave the initial marks. This is one of those where I’ve decided to leave it alone.
This is how I remember my babies – in a misty not quite clear way. It’s funny how easily we ‘forget’ the actual faces and yet we do remember their essence quite clearly – more of a perception than a clear pure image. Thats what this soft haunting painting reminds me of… Beautiful.
This is really a striking painting. the shadows gove it an almost 3 dimensional quality, and yet it isn’t burdened with unnecessary detail.
Beautiful job!
Love this Carole…glad you left it like it is…it now has an almost ethereal(Spelling!) feeling, suiting the subject very well!
PS: thanks for the link!