All is well

Just a quick message care of Halifax Library computers to say we have not been blown away or drowned.  Thursday was hideous with 60-90mph gales and driving rain, but we all survived.  We are now safely in with all our stuff and are up to our waists in cardboard boxes.  More later when we find ourselves some dial-up software.

5 thoughts on “All is well

  1. Dear Carole,
    Whew! I’m glad you’re safe, we’ve had some wicked weather. too, but not as drastic as yours.
    Go slowly, boxes can wait. (easy for me to say, huh?)

  2. No worries re. cardboard boxes – I agree with Connie, we lived with cardboard boxes for 18 months last time we moved!!
    Weather here has been horrendous, greenhouse glass blown out twice!!
    Stay safe and good luck with sorting everything out, look forward to catching up after our hols on SOI.
    We have cancelled BA flights as they are striking, and flying with some unknown airline called XL so keep fingers and toes crossed for us!

  3. Stay safe both of you. I’m having great difficulty connecting at the moment so am offline most of the time. Looking forward to getting broadband back!

  4. Yes, stay safe, forget the boxes, my son just moved around the middle of December, he has boxes left, yesterday he broke his arm, and the first thing he said to me was,”I need to get those boxes unpacked.” If there is any way he can, he’ll find it, whereas I, on the otherhand, am knee deep in books in my computer room, I’m reading four of them, I have papers around and do I care? No!
    So, we’ll be seeing each other in SOI, right? I can’t wait.

  5. Glad you made it OK. What is it about moving day that always brings on the worst of the weather.

    Those boxes will be good on the compost heap 🙂

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