Calling all Writers – Season of Inspiration course

If you are a writer looking for inspiration, or have always wanted to write, I can highly recommend the Season of Inspiration online course due to run from 8 October to 10 December this year.  I’ve taken this course three times now, and loved each one.  The following is taken from the course website:

Join us in making the most of seasonal colours and scents, metaphors of the season, place and time to provide inspiration for writing that’ll see you through the rest of the year. We offer support, exercises and creative bolstering. You’ll experiment with and collaborate in haiku walks, visual writing, meaningful journalling and capturing the sights and sounds of the season. Dip in and rediscover your creativity. Previous students will find all-new materials for 2007 and new students are very welcome (from anywhere in the world).

One thought on “Calling all Writers – Season of Inspiration course

  1. Hi Carole
    Thanks for your recommendation, it’s very kind of you. It’s also good to know that the Season of Inspiration has been memorable.

    Are you planning to join us again? We’d love to have you in the course. We have a new course space this time and new writing prompts, activities and inspiration.

    As a tutor, I always find this course stimulating and enjoyable – and the bonus is meeting and making friends with writers all over the place.

    I enjoyed your ‘career change’ page. I’ve recently made a career change that’s working out very well. I’ve a writing friend who is considering making a similar change, so I’ve sent her the URL for your ‘Career change’ page.

    I really loved your ‘fractured landscape’ page.


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